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Showing posts from February, 2015

Upcycled Day: 7

All good things must come to an end! It's day seven, of kid's clothes week upcycled challenge. I had  a blast tearing up old clothes and giving them a fresh breath of air. By all means this was extremely challenging because I am ME; I tend to have an emotional connection with my clothes, I have been in denial that  my style had changed, and talk about having the guts to tear them apart. Hey, at least I kept my clothes in the family! ;-) Hope you all enjoyed my creations as much as I enjoyed making them. Alright, let's get down to business, going into this challenge, one of the things I really wanted to transform was a mens shirt into something amazing. So I did what any lovely wife would do, I grabbed one of my husbands old mens shirt. I honestly, had no idea what I would do! I was having designer's block! Ever had one of those? Let me tell you they are the worst. Fast, forward six days later, it came to me! The mens shirt had pin stripes,...

Upcycled Day: 6

I think I have a thing for polka dots. Last year my daughter's wardrobe consisted of a lot of polka dots. I wasn't aware of it until my sister pointed out. Who would have thought I was a polka dot freak. So yes I had to throw it into the mix! This lovely skirt was a hand me down from my other sister. I loved the skirt soo much and was excited to have it. I can honestly say I may have worn it once. All that fuss for wearing it one day lol. Life changes, you change with life or however you want to look at but let's just say my hoochie days are over! So now this skirt will be refashioned into a summer top for my daughter. The design would be simple because I really wanted to keep the gathers and the beautiful scallops on the hem. I drafted a sleeveless bodice I still wanted room for the under arms. The outcome was exactly what I had envisioned. Here is the infamous skirt. Front view of the top. The side strings from the original skirt became the tie on sh...

Upcycyled Day: 5

Who wear short shorts! Day 5 of Kid's Clothes Week, Upcycled. The original garment was a cute romper that I outgrew from the sides. :(  The initial design was to turn it into a simple tunic, however there wasn't enough fabric. Then I decided to make some shorts for the summer. I made a mistake when drafting the pattern I didn't leave room for ease. It was too late because I had already cut them out Oops!! Due to this mistake my daughter will not be rocking them since they are a bit too tight on her. Hey you live and learn right! Well I will leave you with some pictures. See ya"ll tomorrow for day 6. Romper before  Here is the end result. Here is the front view, I shorten the string and sewed it as an accessory piece for the front of the shorts. The hem has a nice hot pink contrast thread.

Upcycled Day: 4

      Have you ever bought a top that had the most amazing fabric print! It seemed just perfect and it just wasn't. Why? First of all the girls just hung out too much and it made me look like I was in my first trimester not a good look! I was finally ready to part away from this top.     I knew I wanted to preserve as much of the fabric as I could because the print is just amazing. The design would be a cute little dress. This one took a while mapping out where to cut out. It was well worth taking my time because this one has become my favorite upcycled garment. Front view of the tiny dress.     Up close and personal with the neckline     Back view: loved the invisible zippy.   Here are a few pictures I was able to capture of my lil daughter wearing her Lollipop Couture design. I think she is getting used to being my model, but she has her moments when she wants to run off. ...

Upcycled Day: 3

Bring out the laser beam and shrink it, shrink it real good! OK so I don't exactly have a fancy laser beam but I do have a pair of shears and my handy dandy sewing machine to make this happen. For Upcycle number three I decided to keep the neckline and lower sleeves. I went ahead and drafted my knit sleeve and bodice. This one was pretty simple too less than 30 minutes. All I had to sew were the side seams, the sleeves and hem the bottom. This is what my original thermal looked liked before it got shrunk lol.     It turned out so cute as a smaller version, I was pretty excited to try it on my daughter.   I didn't want to loose the original neckline although I wasn't quite sure if it would be too big for her. Here she is wearing her new/old thermal.     Someone is a fan of buttons! :o)     

Upcycled Day: 2

Sometimes in life there are projects that give you scraps of leather and you just can't seem to part away from them. Then years later you find the perfect little project for that tiny scrap of leather you held on to so dearly. For Day two of the Upcycled challenge I decided to make my daughter a pair of leather shoes. First time ever sewing with leather and making baby shoes. So I knew this would be a trial and error therefore I wasn't expecting them to come out perfect. Here are the pattern pieces but let me tell you in the end there were a few modifications made. Not bad for being a first time pair. I loved the idea of sewing shoes for my daughter considering it has become difficult finding a wide range of colors. Since pink shoes are not my number one choice. Not sure if it's the fact the leather had been folded and tucked away for years or one shoe came out wider then the other lol. I definitely learned a lot from ...

Upcycled Day: 1

Sometimes in life you need a little push, or a challenge to get your creative juices going. Well this week I'm challenging myself to do something very "Project Runway-esque" type of challenge. Basically, I'm participating in Kid's Clothes Week Challenge where you sew clothing for your kid one hour each day for seven days. Wait there is more, we have a theme drum roll.....the theme is UPCYCLED. I decided to do an early Spring Cleaning in my closet and found seven potentials for this challenge. It's definitely going to be pretty exciting transforming my clothes into something my 9 month old could wear. Today we kick start with some faux leather leggings I once rocked and felt like a "Rockstar." Those days are long over sadly to say! I envisioned a cute peplum top. With short sleeves, a bias binding for the neckline, and a little exposed zipper. So I began drafting the design, it ended up being five pieces and three of them I would have to c...