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Showing posts from 2015

XV Dress

A few months ago, I had the privilege of designing a quincea ñera dress, with a twist.  The dress itself was simple, it consisted of a sweetheart neckline with 1" inch straps and a circle skirt. The twist to the dress was, that it had a character hoodie jacket. If you are familiar with the Regular show, there is a character by the name of Mordecai. He is this blue bird with a Mohawk hair do. This is Mordecai. This costume was part of the inspiration, we mainly focused on the jacket. The jacket was going to be longer instead of a bolero. The fabrics would be more luxurious satins. It was very important to get the character to look a like as well as making him 3-D. I've done quite a few character hoodies in the past for Halloween costumes so I knew this would not be hard. I began by marking my style lines onto my dress form. I generally like the draping method better than flat pattern. Once I've draped and marked my muslin I transferred the...

LBD Goodwill Challenge

Happy Thursday fashionista's! I've been a bit MIA on my blog lately, but today I'm back with an exciting post. If you have been following my blog for a while then you might remember me talking about Phoenix Fashion Week. Each year they host a challenge, which consist of illustrating your perfect little black dress. They choose the top four illustrations which then you get to bring to life. In which the designers showcase it in Phoenix Fashion Week's annual fashion show. This year they had a completely different challenge.  The little black dress challenge was presented by Goodwill of Central Arizona and Phoenix Fashion Week. You had to shop at one of 67 locations, find a project dress, up-cycle, re-purpose it into your own perfect little black dress. The dresses would then be turned in by Saturday 26, 2015. Which would then be judged by up-cycle expert Angela Johnson. They select the top four designs. Once chosen...

Behind the Seams II part II

Often times the muslin sample dress needs a few alterations such as hem length, sides being loose or too tight. When I make my alterations I like to pin and mark with a sharpie I also write down how much and where I need to take in or out. I make sure that the client is happy with the fit and design. Sometimes I ask questions such as; can you move or is it too tight? Is the hem too long will you able to walk and not fall? One of my main concerns about this particular design was the type of bra that would be used, I offered to insert cups for more support. However I can only make suggestions, it is always up to the client to take them or not. Whatever changes I make on to the muslin I must transfer them on to the flat pattern. How I do this, I tear apart the original muslin and cut off the seams. I use a Styrofoam sheet to pin down the old paper pattern and the altered muslin pattern. This helps me trace down the new alterations...

Behind the Seams I

It's been a while since I've done a custom design or a Behind the Seams segment. Today I will be sharing with you my latest work. A month ago I was contacted by a young lady to design a gown for a wedding she was attending mid April. She sent me a picture of a mermaid dress she had stumbled across. The problem was that she wouldn't be able to get it delivered just in time for her event. I came to her rescue j/k. I met with her took down her measurements talked about fabric choices and any other details. Here is a sketch of the design. The design consisted of a mermaid silhouette, the neckline was almost like a racer back. The back was exposed with tiny spaghetti straps. The back skirt had a tiny bustle. The hem had tulle peeking out all around. The chosen fabrics were red peach skin, red lining, and black tulle. The notions that were used included an invisible zipper and thread. I generally like to drape my patterns on the dress form o...

Memorial Day Sale

            Hey everyone just wanted to let you all know that a memorial day sale is happening at our etsy shop!   Use code MDAY20 and get 20% off. Offer is valid until 5/25/2015.   If you haven't visit the shop lately, here are some new listings recently added to the shop.       Floral on mint leggings with matching headbands. Only two available in size 9 months and 12 months. If you are interested in another size let me know and I will add more :)   Turban and knot headbands. I love these headbands they are so cute, and best part they don't leave dents on baby's head.       Unisex leggings, you might remember my daughter rocking these leggings here.     Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, please stop by my shop and take advantage of 20% off. Help me spread the word about my shop, l...